is extremely common in its milder forms, but fairly common even with
more severe angulation. The are some famous people who are known
to be suffering from this problem without any seeming impact on
their love life, I cannot print their names here for obvious reasons.
If a previously straight penis develops a bend this is known as Peyronies
doctors are not certain of the mechanism the most accepted theory
is that it is caused by trauma. If during lovemaking the penis
is bent, blood vessels and tissues within the penis can be torn. As
this damage heals, scar tissue forms in the penis leaving shortening
on one side of the shaft. This of course gives rise to a bend.
disease is initially painful. But over the course of 18 months
or so the pain settles. The angulation at the start proceeds
quite rapidly but again, as time passes the further angulation ceases.
Treatments are available both for the pain and also for the angulation
should intercourse be difficult.
Tablets are available that can help with this discomfort. Most people
can still manage to make love but for those who find love making impossible
an operation is available to re-straighten the penis.