removal - Cystectomy
bladder is most commonly removed because of bladder cancer. Although
the surgery is daunting the outcome is very good with people returning
to active lives.
patient is admitted a couple of days before surgery. They are put
on a clear diet and prescribed laxatives to clear out the intestines.
The incision runs from just above the pubic bone to just above the
belly button. The removal of the bladder is the first step of the
procedure. If
the bladder is removed obviously the urine needs to be collected
somewhere. The traditional
method of achieving this is
via a bag worn on the abdomen. A length of bowel is used to bring the urine
from the kidneys to the surface of the body. This operation in known as cystectomy
and ileal conduit.
techniques may be suitable for some patients. It is possible using
a number of new operations to create a new bladder within
the body. Patients therefore pass their water almost the way that nature
are a number of drawbacks however. It takes longer to regain control
of continence. Although a bag on the abdomen is something all of us wish
to avoid, the vast majority of people are able to return
normal activities
very speedily. Patients who have had new bladder fashioned may take up
to a year and a half to be able to stop worrying that they may
leak and indeed some
people will leak for ever. In addition a small number of people with new
bladders will find that they cannot pass water unaided (particularly
the case for women).
These patients will need to pass a catheter into the bladder to empty it
for the rest of their life. Why with these possible drawbacks
do people opt for
new bladders? In countries such as Switzerland where the procedure is very
common about 50% of people opt for a new bladder. The commonest reason
sited for this is to avoid the need for a bag on the abdomen.
risky is bladder removal?
In the 1970’s as many as 1 in 10 patients undergoing this
type of surgery would die from complications. These days in most
hospitals the risk is less
than 1 in 50. This is predominantly due not to advances in surgery but in
post-operative care, for example the provision of high dependency
or intensive care beds.
The risk for an individual may however be higher, depending of course on
other medical problems such as angina, high blood pressure or chest
These risks have
to be balanced against the risk of not having treatment. In patients
where bladder removal is indicated the risk of death from bladder
cancer without radical treatment is approaching 100%.
How long will recovery take?
Patients are in hospital for between two and four weeks after surgery
with most people going home just after 2 weeks. There is no doubt that
patients feel very tired for 3 months after surgery. It is not until
6 months that life begins to feel as if it is returning to normal.
It is also quite normal to feel depressed after this type of major
surgery. It is only when patients return home that this usually sets
in. Overnight the patient is transported from the safe and supportive
environment of a hospital ward to home, this is accompanied by a degree
of stress. At the same time the patient realises just how long it will
take to get their strength back. This is experienced by nearly every
one but it passes of after a short time.